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Million Dollar Parking Spot

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Million Dollar Parking Spot

Umm…someone bought a parking spot for AED 3 Million!

The Centre,
99 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong

Google Maps Link:

“Good times and bad times, ultra-rich people still pay whatever they need to get what they like,” as South China Morning Post quoted a Hong Kong Real Estate Rep. Difficult to argue with that when parking spots sell hands at nearly a million dollars.

You probably already know that an ultra-dense city like Hong Kong attracts the uber-rich and although if you’ve read about it lately, it’s probably along the lines of “large-scale demonstrations about democracy,” square footage always pulls a premium out there.


Particularly expensive is a majestic spline-shaped skyscraper in Hong Kong Island’s central area known as The Central. The building was officially sold in 2018″… in block by Hong Kong’s wealthiest man Li Ka-shing’s flagship company to a group of 10 tycoons for a record-breaking price…” The cost was $5.15 billion per SCMP.

That publication appears to have received a decent dose of details on this recently sold super expensive parking spot, beyond the comically depressing transaction price of $969,655.98 (HK$7.6 million in local money): “B1-1023 is currently vacant until its sale is complete. The lot is at the top of the three-level basement of The Central, reserved for tenants only as executive space, and the selling unit sits against an alcove wall that offers easier access for the buyer, agents said. “The place is said to measure 134.5 square feet, which would be small, according to American standards. In fact, I might have to gamble and say that SCMP might have made a typo because, according to the American Planning Association, “300[ square feet] is a more widely accepted estimate” for a shopping center parking spot.

But I think you could fit into 134.5 an Aston Martin Cygnet or something similarly dimunitive.

We could pop up there and see how good the spot is, but I’m going to go ahead and guess it’s not exactly open to the public.

The Centre, Hong Kong


I’ll see if we’ve got the budget to send some grappling ropes and a tactical turtleneck out there to try and sneak in for us, but in the meantime, all I could dig up was an old Google StreetView image.

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